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Vital records is a statewide program through the local health departments. It is the recording of births and deaths in the state of Missouri. These documents provide information used for several agencies and bureaus. The Bureau of Vital Statistics collects information from death certificates and birth certificates providing data for communities to improve public health, safety, and funding.

Deaths, which occur in Barry County, are first recorded at the local health department. The death certificate is registered, and certified copies from the original are issued if requested.

Birth certificates filed at the health departments are home births.

Computer generated certified copies for deaths from 1980 to present, and certified copies for births from 1920 to present are available for fee established by Missouri Department of Health and Senior Services.

Certified birth and death certificates are available at both the Cassville and Monett offices during normal business hours.


Effective March 1, 2011
Documents Required to Obtain Certified Copies of Vital Records

Requesting certified copies in person
- Signed application or request
- One issued identity document that displays a name and photograph.

Two alternate forms of identification. At least two alternate forms of identification documents must be used if applicant does not have a photo identification card.

Requesting certified copies by mail
- Signed application or request which must be notarized by a notary public.



Birth Certificate fee is $15.00 per copy.
Death Certificate fee is $14.00 for the first copy, then $11.00 for each extra copy (when requested at the same time as the first copy).

For more information, visit  the Missouri State Department of Health and Senior Services website 

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